Morning Beverage Routines

May, 29, 2018

There is something wonderfully pleasant about an ordinary morning routine. For so many of us, this involves a beverage. What is your morning beverage routine? Is it a well-tuned ritual, or are you on a trial run with a new routine? We asked around and learned a few things.



For those engaged in a home brew situation…

“I brew enough coffee to fill one of my favorite mugs two times. I sit in a cozy chair with my dog next to me and read the New York Times online.” —Sandy

“Around 8:00am, I go to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee—small, morning blend, $1.93, one little cup of half-and-half, share the wooden stirrer with a colleague to assuage the guilt of using single packs of cream and sugar.” —Bill

“Black coffee. That’s all.” —Tammy

“I wake up to the smell of percolated coffee that my husband starts making at 6am. The concoction is half decaf Caribou and half regular Dunkin Donuts breakfast blend. We sit and watch ‘Good Morning America’ and MSNBC financial shows. Flipping back and forth. We call my coffee time my ‘happy time.'” —Maureen

“I set my coffee maker the night before so I don’t have to think about my morning routine.” —Lauri

“I set my coffee maker with ground fresh beans usually. Pour a cup upon waking and add creamer. Take with me to my shower so I can sip as I get ready for work. Any left? I pour in a travel mug for the ride.” —Lou Ann

“Put on the kettle. Grind beans. Let the dog out and fill his bowl. Pour boiling water over ceramic dripper. Add some cream. Perfect.” —Ellen

“Peace Coffee beans weighed, then freshly ground, and brewed in a Bonavita drip coffee maker.  Topped off with Califia Farms unsweetened almond milk. So good.” —Marcia

“Simple. Colombian coffee with half-and-half and half a packet of Equal. If I do ever fancy it up, I just put a spoonful of Swiss Miss cocoa in it. That’s as fancy as it gets for me.” —Angie

“Hubby makes me a cup of coffee and brings it to me while I dry my hair. Makes me happy every time.” —Nicole

“Simple. Black coffee as soon as possible. I drink three cups while watching the news. Then I get ready for work.” —Lori

“When I’m ready to leave for work, I make my first cup of dark roast coffee, in my favorite red coffee mug. I have long since dumped the use of a travel mug because, for me, the coffee never tastes as good as when sipped from a real coffee mug. I relish the first sips as I leave my driveway… Sadly, my first cup is completed only halfway to work. At work, the first thing I do is to turn on the Keurig and make my second cup of dark roast coffee—this time in my pink Dunn Brothers mug. My third cup is always made after my 9am daily production meeting.” —Renee



Some lovely tea routines…

“I make my cup of breakfast tea when I cook my breakfast. I make a large cup so I can enjoy my tea in my quiet time.” —Elizabeth

“Black tea hot, a little honey and lemon. Earl Grey if possible. Coffee after 10.” —Craig

“Strong hot chai tea with splash of milk.” —Ashley



For those non-coffee-or-tea drinkers among us…

“Glass of OJ before cereal and a glass of milk with it.” —Stu

“Diet Pepsi, ice cold and fully fizzed from a bottle, opened at work while going through emails.” —Richard

“Wake up. Drink water.” —Joe

“Arrive at work, pass the pop machine and get my first beverage of the day on my way to the elevator.” —Nancy


And for those whose day starts in the evening…

“Kinda depends on your definition of morning. If you mean traditional morning, like 8am, then it’s a shower, glass of wine, leftovers/scrambled eggs with goat cheese. If it’s my morning (5pm), then yogurt/smoothie and coffee…usually VERY large and four shots of espresso that I sip on until 1am, and then I cut out all caffeine consumption and switch to juice. If I’m awake enough at 5pm, I will have grabbed some beet juice from the grocery store and be good to for the rest of the night.” —Nurse Jessica


What is your morning beverage routine?  What about it makes you want to keep it part of your day?


  1. Reply


    May 29, 2018

    How fun. Posts like this always remind me that, although we’re all so different, we’re also all so much the same. 🙂 I read this article with a smile on my face.

  2. Reply


    May 29, 2018

    I like to have a cup of AeroPressed coffee at my desk before the rest of my family wakes up. And then another cup with them after they do. And then another cup mid-morning just because it’s sooooo good.

  3. Reply


    May 30, 2018

    Honestly, it’s coffee and newspaper at my door which gets me out of bed every morning. The quiet and peacefulness of morning makes it a special time and a wonderful way to begin the day ahead.

    • Susan Clark

      June 1, 2018

      I LOVE that you still get the newspaper at your door. It adds to the sweet vision of your morning routine.

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